chat help

Friday, October 30, 2015

More info & some GRE8 LINKS!!!

                           Ok,, I am really excited about these new video formats. When i first became interested in live-streaming, The price of it was astronomical!!! Now to think that we have all these awesome outlets available to anyone/everyone for FREE!!! It's a lil strange because I am actually camera shy, which is why i never had a You-Tube channel, but it is time to get over all that and make use of this awesome technology,
Media-Vision-Technology!!! So for all my friends, who want to share in this journey with me,, Here are a few more sites that will help. First  with periscope, you can watch!!! Even if you do not have apple anything!! you can tune in from a PC or Mac, or any web-browser that gets the internet, Here is my channel, if I am not on- you can surf and see others who are. 
The cool part about this is that You can also write your profile, telling what you scope about, and leave any web or e-mail links that you would like,, facebook, instagram, twitter etc..or personal blog , business etc,, be creative with it. I am working on a landing page with a sign up to my mailing list..
The videos made are only stored for 24 hours, so in order to keep them, you have to download them to your phone, or ipad. or you can make an account here  Katch Me     
Another kool feature is to be able to embed a code onto your blog or newsletter to let people know when your webcast is live,,  @drroxyscott  
The page to get the code is here  code for periscope embed  
This one is in beta,, but the reviews so far are all good!! FullScope
This site, keeps a record of, and analyzes your scope, including viewers, hearts, replays,  It is a great tool, to let you know your best scopes, and help you read your results.
This one I just found out as I am writing!!! Called Medium,,, actually i had downloaded the app already on my Ipad, but had not checked it out yet, :)  Medium,A Free Blog!!! 
           So people, please follow me on Periscope, MeerKat, Blab. Im, , TouchCast, Medium & Twitter :)
ok Friends I gotta close this out, and go do some more exploring!!! 
                                               Be Back soon, Take care & God Bless You!!

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