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Friday, October 30, 2015

More info & some GRE8 LINKS!!!

                           Ok,, I am really excited about these new video formats. When i first became interested in live-streaming, The price of it was astronomical!!! Now to think that we have all these awesome outlets available to anyone/everyone for FREE!!! It's a lil strange because I am actually camera shy, which is why i never had a You-Tube channel, but it is time to get over all that and make use of this awesome technology,
Media-Vision-Technology!!! So for all my friends, who want to share in this journey with me,, Here are a few more sites that will help. First  with periscope, you can watch!!! Even if you do not have apple anything!! you can tune in from a PC or Mac, or any web-browser that gets the internet, Here is my channel, if I am not on- you can surf and see others who are. 
The cool part about this is that You can also write your profile, telling what you scope about, and leave any web or e-mail links that you would like,, facebook, instagram, twitter etc..or personal blog , business etc,, be creative with it. I am working on a landing page with a sign up to my mailing list..
The videos made are only stored for 24 hours, so in order to keep them, you have to download them to your phone, or ipad. or you can make an account here  Katch Me     
Another kool feature is to be able to embed a code onto your blog or newsletter to let people know when your webcast is live,,  @drroxyscott  
The page to get the code is here  code for periscope embed  
This one is in beta,, but the reviews so far are all good!! FullScope
This site, keeps a record of, and analyzes your scope, including viewers, hearts, replays,  It is a great tool, to let you know your best scopes, and help you read your results.
This one I just found out as I am writing!!! Called Medium,,, actually i had downloaded the app already on my Ipad, but had not checked it out yet, :)  Medium,A Free Blog!!! 
           So people, please follow me on Periscope, MeerKat, Blab. Im, , TouchCast, Medium & Twitter :)
ok Friends I gotta close this out, and go do some more exploring!!! 
                                               Be Back soon, Take care & God Bless You!!

Skip Game Changer! Can we say WHOLE NEW BALLGAME!!!!!

              Ok, Everyone, Like I said technology is still changing so fast !!!  OMG!!!  I have not had time to use hangouts good, and now we have so many other great live-streaming mediums!!  The best part ever is that many can be accessed from your smart phone, and since everyone and their mama has one, that is SO AWESOME!!! and it is all FREE,, honest!! No tricks, no trials,, no hidden fees, no built in advertising!!!! And yes it is actually Live streamed,, in REAL TIME PEOPLE!!!  Do you UNDERSTAND how TRULY AWESOME THIS IS!!!!
                  The only drawback, which really is not a drawback, is that most only work on apple products such as iphone and ipads.

                                                  Of course u get them from The App Store.

                               The favorite seems to be Periscope, which already has a huge worldwide following, They have Facebook groups, Tribes, and all kinds of "Scopers". It has the feel of community, it is really unique, and so awesome!!!  You need to have a twitter account to be able to sync easily, and also log in easily, and send out instant tweets of when you are on live or when someone interesting is on live, and you want to let your twitter friends know,, because that is what good little twitter/periscope birdy/folk do,, ;)  .
                                 Now MeerKat, is another awesome live-stream platform which has crystal clear HD viewing!! Also Meerkat is available on some android devices, YAY!!!!! So if you do not own anything Apple, you do not have to be left out.  :)  I was even able to download it onto my Samsung camera,  BTW it also connects to wifi, and has the best photos!!!  I found this out on accident. I was on a family get together, and afterwards when we were all checking out each others photos, mine were the best, what can I say,, :) Anyhoo, being a lover of clarity and high def, I give MeerKat aces's & dueces on that tip .  You can also easily set up a banner advertising your up-coming event, if you are the type that really needs to plan and prepare for these things.Or if you just want to generate suspense :).MeerKat has a few other features that Periscope does not, but they also work with twitter and both can also be saved on

                    Next we have Blab.IM  which was designed to rival Google hangouts and video conferencing directly. I like there format. You can have up to 4 people share a cast. and you can allow guest casters to come on. Usually most people use this as an extension of Periscope & MeerKat. There may be some who only use Blab.Im, I am sure there are, and I do like it, but of them all the quality is sometimes lacking,, just being truthful, but i honestly love the concept. I plan to use it as an extension of my scopes when I am sharing or interviewing someone. It seems really great for business, but you also find people on there just being silly. I watched one presentation of people doing imitations of actors. they were actually entertaining. You can find all sorts of entertaining things, as well as famous entertainers, and personalities. Some people come on and play music, or sing, it is always lively, I guess because it is LIVE :)

                                         Ok Now the one that I am really into Because i think it has such potential, is TOUCHCAST!!!! With Touchcast, you can do so much more, your presentation can be totally interactive. They have what they call V-APPS, which literally is a video app, or an app in a video?? basically You can add links inside your video, that can be photos, or videos, or links to pages, that can be clicked while your face your message is still there!!. it is just amazing to me!! I think it appeals to the nerdy/techie side of me. i cannot wait to play around with this format, and see what all I can create. It is like a challenge, like un-chartered ground, like fresh fallen snow, or a pile of fresh raked leaves, You Know You GOTTA Play In IT!!!!  You Just GOTTA!!!

                           Now TouchCast, is strictly for IPAD, I know ,kinda bummer for the Android only crowd. I don't know if they are gonna develop it further but i believe they are because they have a beta release available now for windows pc's. I have downloaded it on an ACER laptop, and also on a DELL, and it does not work on either. I am working with it to see if I can help them figure out why. That's what  beta is for,,to work out the bugs, and get it tweaked just right,, ;)  B- bugs-out E- Errors-out T-Tweaks- in A-All-set!!! Then Go For IT!! Big Time!! TouchCast seems to be fairly new, and I can't figure it out, as awesome as they are, you would think they would have the huge followers. I have not found any so I have started a Facebook group, and a Facebook page, and I hope to help promote for them, just because I see the super awesome potential..
                                  Ok Like I said I am a tad-bit nerdie/techie, and so I am just fascinated with TouchCast!!!  So here is how I personally plan to use the different ones. I plan to Periscope for ministry. I have always done outreach and worked with, taught Bible-Study, to women and children. So I plan to continue this on Periscope. I plan to use MeerKat in the same way., will be use as needed. Touch Cast, I want to use to make interactive teaching casts, that can be accessed as needed or at will by people to be taught with.I will also do casts on other things from time to time,, but that is my plan.

 Ok, one other really kool thing about Touchcast is that you can do greenscreen videos!!! OMG!!!!  i have been wanting a reason to play around with this on a larger level, for like forever!! LOL.
The photo above shows a greenscreen and also shows an ipad on a tripod, that has swivel capabilities.I found the holder for like 10$ on amazon, and same with a green screen. I just gotta dust off my tripod, and i am so good to go..:) !!  Everything else needed is provided by TouchCast, you can even order a holder kit from them, I think they call it studio cast?? Ill post it later, I think it just became available last week. ;)