chat help

Thursday, September 4, 2014

For those in ministry,,

                   This is especially for those in ministry who either already have their services live streamed, or would like to. I know that their are services that will put your broadcast on live television or on television with pre-recorded video. They are rather costly, which is fine if you can afford all that. Most of the people that we need to reach , may not have cable tv,, or the roku, or apple tv devices to be able to pick up the broadcast. 

                    I have a very very simple solution for you. Google has hangouts, and you tube for free, you can design a channel, and a g+ page, and start a live broadcast. Now pair that with a V-Smart, which is a portal, that makes it possible to live-stream on smart-phones, which almost everyone has in this day. The hangout is free, and for churches, and ministries, the V-Smart is free. I had been promoting a company that made it possible to live-stream online and they charged almost 500$ to start, and then a monthly charge to keep the service.
                       The V-Smart. is more affordale for everyone, but they are making it free for teens, and for ministries. If this is something that you can make use of, please contact me. The V-Smart, can be adjusted online, easier than changing a website, you can send the link by text to people, and they can watch, on their smartphones, without having to download anything. If you have a prayer list, or sick, and shut-ins, this is perfect for them. This is the perfect way to also just stay in touch with followers.
                       You can also just add a pre-made video.To see how easy it is,, You can go  there and make one, use your real links, add info, and really try it out, this site will allow you to have a 30-day tryout, no billing info required.try it out, and give me feedback .For those needing help, I can make it for you. Just let me know, and also l really appreciate it


Friday, August 22, 2014


                      It is all about Getting the word out,, and the options keep changing,, Some ways just become obsolete, and of course some never will. For example,, 8-tracks, and 8 milimeter cams,,.as things that have become obsolete. Examples of things that never will,, written word, audio, and of course video. I have been watching video blow up more and more, and it is still a challenge for the somewhat shy ones,, such as myself,, but I know it is here to stay. It keeps getting more user friendly.
                      I am a bit of a techie-fan,, i know,, kinda nerdy, but hey I was that girl reading books at the party,, It is just part of who I am, So that being said, I taught myself HTML code, because I was fascinated with it when I got my first computer.So yeah that got old after a while, so i went on to learning to build websites , and how to fix computer hiccups, I got better than the techie guy you call, and can't understand on the phone. 
                          And of course when apps came along!!! Something new to learn . I am not super techie, I cannot explain all of the whys about stuff, but I understand, I know what works, and how to make things do what I want them too. So now If anyone needs an app made, or a mobi version of their website, I will design both for 10$ donation, 5$ for churches and non-profits. Just contact me.